The Push and Pull of Marketing
Let me tell you a little bit about marketing. This is, if you will, the pure definition of marketing.
Here it is at its core, the elementary definition, essential definition of marketing -- marketing is when you push a message and pull a response.
The Push & Pull
You have a business where you sell products and services and there's a customer that needs your product or service. Marketing comes in when you're going to push out a message to that customer and pull in a response. You will say something like, “Here's the reason why you want to consider our business” or “Here's a reason why you might like our product or service.” And then direct the customer, if interested, to take an action like click “contact us” or “buy now” on your website or make a phone call, sign up for a mailing list. You're pushing a message, pulling a response.
Think about this as you design your own marketing campaigns. How can you push a message that will pull a response?
What message are you pushing?
In Practice
For example, if you've ever been around kids, you've seen something like this before. My son Bryce is four years old, loves his sister Olivia, they're best friends, Olivia's six. Yesterday I’m working and I heard Bryce say “Livy, Livy, Livy.” But Olivia wasn’t listening. Then finally he goes, “Hey Livy, you want to do this game with me?” All of a sudden he pushed a message and pulled her response.
So Bryce, at four years old, realized that just saying her name over and over wasn't working, but by saying, “Hey, Olivia, are you interested in this?” He's driving an action. He's driving a response. So even a four year old is learning marketing in front of my eyes, which is pretty cool.
Push Out Value
When you push out a message the whole essence of that message is to pull a response, not just to broadcast that something's there, it's to get people to do something. If you can start thinking that way, if you can start framing your marketing that way so that people are actually drawn to do something, you're engaging with them and getting them to interact with your brand more and you're going to be much better off. You're going to be using your time for good and putting out messages of value. You're going to be getting more of a return on investment. These are all important things for marketing.
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