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5 Ways To Grow During National Small Business Week

National Small Business Week is upon us, and it’s time for you to tap into some expert marketing tips to promote the amazing business you’ve built to attract new (and repeat) customers. I've got 5 ways for you to capitalize - really take advantage of National Small Business Week - get the word out there and ultimately drive in more customers and more sales.

How To Win National Small Business Week

1) Tell Your Story

I want you to tell your story. There's a lot of power behind stories. Think about it: from a young age, you're told stories from your parents, your grandparents, relatives, siblings.

Well, from a young age, we hear stories, we retain them, we retell them. Wouldn't it make sense if you tell a story about your business?

  • How did you come to be?

  • Why did you start the business?

  • Is it a multigenerational business? Was it your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents and you're taking over the family legacy?

  • Is it something you started from scratch that you're really proud of?

  • Was it from a story of happiness and joy, from a story of sadness, from a story of frustration where you're resolving a pain point?

We want to tell people why we created the business because then they can relate to us. They can understand what we're doing, why we're doing it, and ultimately, they can get behind supporting us and supporting our small business, especially during Small Business Week.

2) Say Thanks

I want you to say thanks. When it comes to your employees, when it comes to stakeholders, maybe your business partners or managers, when it comes to family and friends who have been supporting you since the beginning, and ultimately, when it comes to your customers or clients and you can say thanks in so many different ways. You can create a video message and say thank you to everyone like a blanket message.

Or you could write DMs or direct messages or even text messages or use email marketing (I would recommend sending those one to one from your inbox so that it has that personal effect.) Maybe you send a card. I've actually been writing a whole bunch of handwritten cards to some of the people who have been a part of my story as we build our agency, and it's something that really makes me kind of sit and reflect.

I get nostalgic, but at the same time, I know when they receive those cards, they're going to really appreciate it.

Want to know 3, 4, and 5?

They’re definitely helpful tips I’ve picked up over the years while coaching and teaching tens of thousands of business owners. Be sure to watch the video!

You Can Win Small Business Week!

Ultimately, this week exists for small businesses like you because people don't realize the amount of time, effort, angst, sweat, blood, tears, maybe even stress, depression, loneliness: all these things that small business owners like you may feel while building your empire. This week is for you to celebrate yourself, your accomplishments, and to have others celebrate you, too. So take advantage of these five different strategies that I've shared with you. Make the most of National Small Business Week and go ahead and grow that bigger, better small business.